Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851

Sunday Bible Classes
All Sunday Bible Classes begin at 9:00 am.
Cornerstone/Koinonia Class
These two classes have joined together and meet in the Fellowship Hall. Cornerstone takes its name from the scriptures, which state that Jesus is our cornerstone. "Koinonia" is a word of Greek derivation, used by the early Christians to denote communion, dialogue and sharing in small Christian groups. With these two truths in mind, this class takes time to read and study the Bible encouraging class participation and discussion.
Good News/McClanahan Bible Class
The McClanahan Bible Class has the longest continual record, in the Roanoke Valley, for an organized Sunday School Class and the joining of these two classes have given both a renewed emphasis on personal Christian growth and maturity along with service. There is a goal to learn and to grow as Christians and to support each other while doing so. Visitors are always welcome to this community of faith. The class meets in Room 207.
Weekday Bible Studies
Women’s evening Bible study (SIBS, Sisters in Bible Study)– Following the rigors of the day it can be easy to get lost in the swirl of activities. Maybe you just need some time to know and be known. Gathering in the Parlor (across from the Office), listening to a study being presented on DVD or simply studying a biblical topic, these women delve deeper in the scriptures to hear from God through his word. 6:00-7:30 p.m. If you would like to join, please contact Chris Ayers.
Women’s morning Bible study (SIBS, Sisters in Bible Study) – Once the kids are off to school or you don’t have school age children anymore, there is time to gather in the parlor for a morning spent with Bibles, hearts and minds open. DVD and leader directed studies allow for a variety of topics to be covered as one seeks to deepen her faith. Tuesday mornings (except 2nd), 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Men of Christ - Tuesdays at noon Bible Study - ZOOM meeting. Contact Phil Brown for more information..
ABS – (Adult Bible Study) – As exercise is important for the development of ones abs so what consideration is given to ones spiritual development? This Bible study meets on Tuesday evenings, prior to Choir practice, in the Church Library (near the end of the main hallway) to discuss scripture and it’s daily application and to hold one another up in prayer. 5:15-6:30 p.m. For more information please contact Pete Guillard.
Men of Christ - Phil Brown
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, First & Third Thursdays, 7:00 am; IHOP 3926 Franklin Rd SW