Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851

Family Worship
Worship of the Tri-une God does not end on Sunday morning at First EPC. God has provided us with the opportunity to worship him throughout the week - in private times of devotion, in small groups, and in our homes. One of the most foundational groups he has blessed the world with is the family. Family times of worship not only glorify God, but also build up His church through daily nurturing from his Word. Whether you are a family of one, or two, or a larger and extended one, there are many ways to meet together and worship the Lord.
Family worship can be a wonderful time to draw closer to God and one another. It does not need to be elaborate, lengthy, or require extensive preparation. There are many helpful resources and different ways to worship as a family. You can include praying together, singing, responsive reading, bible memorization, creative projects, holiday celebrations, keeping a family prayer journal, and of course sharing the Word of God with each member, encouraging one another in their faith on their own personal level. What better way is there to build the bonds of love and faith in the gospel than gathering together as family in worship?
Here are some resources to use in your own family worship to guide and enrich it. Many of these are available in the church library.
Children's Catachism link A simplified child-sized introduction the Westminster Shorter Catachism, provides an excellent spiritual foundation of young children. (In our church library)
Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Heidelberg Catachism Starr Meade link The title says it all.