Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851
Music at First
Music has long played an important role in the life of First Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Our worship is rich in congregational song in the form of hymns. Our Chancel Choir, Carillonneurs Handbell Choir, and Children’s Choirs enhance worship with choral and instrumental music written by composers from the 16th Century to the present day, and our services typically begin and end with organ masterworks offered on our magnificent Schantz pipe organ.
Great choral music is an important part of the life of First EPC. We have a number of choral groups that offer volunteer singers an opportunity to participate in this important ministry, both for worship on Sunday mornings and for seasonal services and concerts.
Chancel Choir
First EPC’s Chancel Choir is the backbone of the music ministry, consisting of dedicated volunteers who provide inspiring music at the 10:30 am service on Sunday mornings from September through June, and for special services throughout the year including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter. The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (August through June). Those who have good sight reading skills and have a blending section voice are encouraged to contact Patricia Trail for further information about singing with us!
Children’s Choirs & Youth Choir
First EPC gives children aged 3 - grade 5 the opportunity to make special contributions to our Worship services with the FirstKids Children’s Choir. The choirs rehearse as a part of the weekly Wednesday evening program from 6:00- 7:30 PM.
The Children’s Choir offers an opportunity for children in elementary to participate in a program that focuses on the development of voices, singing music of high artistic integrity and developing an understanding of musical notation. These choirs sing at the 10:30 am service at different times throughout the year.
For more information about the Children’s Ministries, please contact Patricia Trail, Director of Music/Children's Ministries.