Proclaiming Christ in the Roanoke Valley since 1851
On behalf of the staff and congregation let me express delight over your interest in First Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Roanoke. Our ministry is focused on one thing --making and growing disciples for Jesus Christ! Whether in worship, in study, in music, in fellowship or in service, it is our mission to proclaim the good news of God's love in Christ and to call others to know Him and serve Him. So, whether you're just beginning your journey of faith or if you've been a faithful follower for a lifetime and are looking for a new church home where you will hear the Word proclaimed, find opportunities to grow in study and to serve the risen Lord, we believe that you'll discover what you seek at First Pres.
We invite you to take a few minutes to explore the web site. When you're finished, make plans to join us in worship in the very near future. You'll find a warm and welcoming group of Christians journeying towards a deeper commitment to Christ. May God bless you with the abundance of love poured out for us all in Jesus Christ our Lord.